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Our Story

TPK Games was founded in 2021 by Karl Richter and Sam Donner to pursue their passion and love for tabletop games. TPK Games is committed to the creation of not only amazing games, but also the creation of an inclusive, accommodating, and welcoming gaming community that shares a love for gaming and friendship. Karl and Sam met through a Pathfinder game at their local game store in 2015 and have built a friendship and company from the simplest of beginnings. They wish, in turn, to share their stories with you because after all...The Story Is Only The Beginning.

Our Projects

From epic roleplaying games to deckbuilding card games. Animal escapades to Aether adventures. These are the projects that we are passionate about. Click the links to find out more.

Epic roleplaying set in an alternate history industrial revolution. Play as one of nine different ancestries, including Faeborn, Orcs, and Elves. With six different classes, each with their own subclasses, the adventure is as big as your imagination.

Roleplay as either a cat or a dog as you and your friends set out to discover what has become of your beloved owners. This rules-lite rpg is perfect for kids and anyone who is new to roleplaying. The core rules also include the introductory adventure.

This roguelike deck builder pits you and up to three friends against each other as you all search a dungeon for treasure. At the end the player with the most treasure wins, but watch out for monsters along the way, and even your backstabbing friends.

The first novel in the Legends of Aether series is now available on Amazon. Find out more about the post-rift world through this exciting adventure written by Karl Richter.

We are always creating and designing. Check back regularly for new additions to our lineup.

Our Interview

Listen to the TPK Games episode of TTRPG Insider. Sam and Karl discuss their friendship, their vision, their games, and all things nerdy. And Ironman.

This Is Us

Karl Richter - he/him

Karl Richter


Co-Founder and Designer


Born in France in 1593, Karl has been known by many names, most lost to history. His long life has given him a unique insight into history and human nature, which has proven invaluable in the creation of epic storytelling games, as well as founding TPK Games. When he isn't writing and designing games he can be found sipping wine in a warm bath of questionable liquid.

Sam Donner - they/them

Sam Donner


Co-Founder and Designer


Born in 2152 in the New Chicago colony on Mars, Sam was the very first human to successfully travel through time. Their peak physical condition and almost obsessive attention to detail made them an ideal candidate for the rigors of time travel, and as a cofounder for TPK Games. In their off time you can often find them in California in 1846, panning for gold.

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